Saturday, July 18, 2009

Seeking Perfection & Internet Connection

Internet is down at the ranch. The repairman speculates a mouse is to blame, but the beat he can say is that the problem is between here and town. Good luck with that one, buddy. All that to say that this post will be short.

Here's what I worked on yesterday. It may or may not be part of a collage painting. It is supposed to represent societies ideas of perfection. What I'm thinking about is how those ideals might limit our decisions in life & keep us from pursuing our true purpose. So, really this is only a part of the eventual whole.

So, what I want to know is... If you could do anything in the whole wide world, no limitations or pressure to meet another's idea of perfection, what would it be?


  1. Start a business... that's what I'd do.

  2. I'd sell everything, shave my head, and tattoo my entire body. I'd live with people totally unlike myself and spend my time learning from them and giving what (little) I have to give. I'd be "totally replete" of self. Owned by nothing. It's attractive, right?? Well, maybe not me without hair but...
