Tuesday, August 25, 2009

NEW WEBSITE: www.emilyjeanstewart.com

Please visit my new website www.emilyjeanstewart.com. All future blog-posts will be published there. If you're a regular reader know that I LOVE YOU DEEPLY! :) Thanks for your support.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sparrow Nest: Thank you, Stephen.

Sparrow Nest: Thank you, Stephen.

Thank you, Stephen.

Stephen Baldridge promised he would buy this artwork for $100,000, seeing as he is now a rich university professor. Thank you, Stephen for singlehandedly launching my artistic career. I am indebted to you eternally...

This painting was done on (45"X52") reclaimed wood (aka scrap wood I nabbed from my grandpa's wood shop) with spray paint and acrylic paint. It all started with a collage done in my sketchbook, which I posted a month or so ago on the blog. I'm pleased with the spray paint, and the overall composition of the piece. It seems to have a lot of depth in the way that it's layered. What I'm really digging is the overt social message. This is the kind of art I'm really interested in making... so, thank you Lord for bringing me this far. With His grace, hopefully I can continue to ride this creative wave.

Farewell, and good evening...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Remembering Rwanda Part Deaux

Visions of certain photographs done in arbitrary color schemes seem to come to my mind often. I though it would be interesting to take this composition and try it in several different color schemes. I've decided color is my thing. Perhaps that's why I love much of the art that has come out of Mexico. Traditionally speaking, color has been used extravagantly by the Mexican culture. Then again, I suppose color can be subtile and still classify as extravagant. Needless to say, color matters. I used to think it was alright to use the colors I was visually attracted to and hope it all came out right. I have learned that color theory is DIFFICULT and using color well is a refined talent. I don't think I'm there yet, but it's the path I'm currently walking. I know I'll continue to learn as I experiment.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Remembering Rwanda

Today, I drew a picture from a photograph taken by one of my friends while we were in Rwanda last summer. It is my hope that I will be able to continue to travel. I love traveling, and then returning to reflect on the experience.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Apple Abstractions

The first one is well...

And the second one is... apple morphing into a flying saucer. JK

Strike that, reverse it.

Artistic License, how I love thee

I created this still life/color study this morning. It may seem sort of boring and over done, but the truth is I love apples. I love to eat them. Aside from their nutritional value... they have great color value (gala). It's always good to brush up on observational skills and I feel I'm succumbing to the pressure of proving I can paint... whatever that means. Regardless of my motivation, overall I think this type of painting is beneficial in the long run, even though I don't think is uber creative... it is technical and it's good to get technical every now and then.

When I finish a painting (or sometimes during the process) I feel the overwhelming need to photograph what I've done. It allows me to separate myself from the work and look at it from another perspective. This is one of the pictures I took when the painting was completed.

Because this piece is a 'study' I painted it on a canvas sheet (similar to a piece of paper from a drawing pad). After viewing this photo I've decided I'm going to cut the painting and display it this way. This composition seems much stronger. I like the contrast of the white background and the apples/bowl. Gee it's great to be your own boss! You get to make all the decisions...

Monday, August 17, 2009

New Mexican Adventures

I spent the past several weeks away from home, thus completely abandoning the blog. I've returned from my travels refreshed, encouraged, and ready to begin cranking out stunning works of art (time will tell!).

The first 2 of the 3 weeks were spent in the Sangre de Christo mountains of Northern New Mexico at Camp Blue Haven. There I was reminded that God is very evident in nature, and that mountains are majestic, and steep, and worth conquering, and yet nowhere near as big and great and awesome as the one who spoke them into existence. From there I made a pit stop in Santa Fe where I stayed in a hostel.

I was hoping to meet some colorful characters... but instead paid $18 to stay in a room by myself with 8 beds to choose from. They must have known I am a princess. :) I spent the day bashing around the city looking at art. Some of it was good and some of it was bad. I am also proud to say that I was reprimanded by a local for giving a 'pan-handler' 20 cents. She informed me that he probably makes more money than I do, about $60,000 a year. Hey lady, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em... that's all I have to say about that. :)

I made a quick stop in Lubbock to see some fabulous friends and then spent the last week in Dallas. I had hoped to acquire a fine furry best friend (dog), but it didn't work out. Apparently I am truly meant to be foot-loose-and-fancy-free. I'm back home on the farm and with 3 weeks full of great experiences from which to gain inspiration.