Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Messed up Mouth

I have been in Dallas for the past few days due to gum graft surgery. This is a "do-over," if you will. I had the same procedure done over spring break, but the tissue didn't take as the doctor hoped it would... thus, here I am. Round 2. The experience has been much better this time and I think I'll be heading back home on Thursday. I thought about taking a picture of the graft, but honestly... it's a bit gross. I don't want to unwillingly subject anyone to that.

Here are some projects I plan to start on when I get home:
1. Wire trees with yarn foliage. (I have a huge tub of yarn that I inherited from Merce)
2. Spray painting (I'm going to practice on large pieces of scrap wood and the side of the wood shop if Peeps will let me)
3. Painting a phrase on the shop roof. (I think it would be hilarious to paint random sayings up there so the planes flying around can see it).
4. More flower paintings (except these will be mixed media where I paint on loose canvas, cut it up, and use the scraps to construct 3D flowers on a stretched canvas.)


  1. All those things sound wonderful! When can I come see you?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well the skin graph doesn't sound wonderful, but Im glad it hasn't been that hard on you this time. All the art stuff is what sounds wonderful! yippee!

  4. I fully support the Yarn Trees and the painting on the roof. Most excellent. Hope the graft goes well. Love you

  5. Hey Emily: Missing you in our Bible study but I know that Jesus has bigger and better fish for you to fry. Look at how He took lowly fishermen and made them disciples. There is no limit to what you will accomplish. Love your blog to keep up with you. I'll be praying for you and your work there.

  6. Bummer...I was hoping to see the picture of the gum graph. I'm glad it's better this time around! I'm also glad to hear that you'll be doing more flower paintings....considering that's what I ordered. :-)

  7. Yeah! I didn't know you had a blog, but so excited that you do. Can't wait to see all of your projects, and I think you should post some pics of your 'studio' area as well. Hope you are doing well! I miss our coffee time!
