I sincerely apologize to my blog whom I have neglected for over a month now.
It's time to follow up on the sugar skull extravaganza. As you can see we had many a successful sugar skulls. However, I was lazy and didn't make as many colors of icing as I could have. It was an extremely messy undertaking and I decided to simplify for my own sanity. The party was enjoyable. I was especially pleased that Sheila made the trip over. She is a kindred spirit!
Thanksgiving 08 has come and gone. I am sad to see it go because I had such a memorable holiday. My good friend Tandy and her husband Dwight live in Anchorage, AK where he has been stationed in the army. He is in the process of transitioning out of the army and they are packing up to move back to Houston. When I bought my plane ticket to Alaska I didn't know if they'd be moving or not. So, I'm glad that I was able to take advantage of their last holiday there as I have never been to Alaska before.
The trip was a quick one, but who can complain about good food and good fellowship? I missed being with my family on the holiday, but I am so thankful that God has blessed me with friends who are as close as family. I could not have invented better people than Tandy and Dwight in my own imagination!
So, in honor of Thanksgiving and the spirit of giving in this holiday season I want to say THANK YOU and I LOVE you to all of the people that God has put into my life. You are the experience. You are part of the abundant life that Jesus promises.
I love you, too! I'm so glad you got to come up considering I'm already back home! I can't wait to see you again in january. :-)