Thursday, December 18, 2008

A New Version of Sad

Today I told my principal that I will not be returning for the 2009-2010 school year. His reaction was that of shock and disappointment. I guess that's a good response, better than indifference or joy. : ) It was one of "those conversations." You know, the kind you'd do anything to get out of, but there's just no way around it. I really struggle with people pleasing, and I know he had no clue this was coming. It was hard to let him down.

It's even harder to think about leaving the kids, though half of them will be moving on to 9th grade. They expect me to be there. They always ask, are you coming back next year? I'll have to answer that question differently this year and that breaks my heart! I'll probably end up crying in front of them and then they'll know for sure that I'm a lunatic.

Telling my boss that I'm leaving after next semester was the next logical step towards working as an artist and sharing my talents with a broader community. I have never lived life this way before. I'm afraid of what I don't know and there's A LOT I don't know in this situation. It's the perfect opportunity for me to learn to really trust God and allow Christ to lead me in ways I have not allowed him to in the past. NOT EASY!


  1. Wow! really big step, you didn't mention it today. I'm very proud of you! Call me if you need anything this weekend.

  2. I am so proud of you for stepping out there, even when you don't know the path in front of you...but you know who is leading the path!!! You're awesome!!!

  3. I admire your bravery. God's speed!

  4. I can't wait to hear about what path God is paving for you next! So exciting!

  5. Way to go. Congrats on your new steps!
