I attended a introductory meeting for something called
Landmark Forum. Bonnie and Frank had attended the previous weekend, and their forum ended last night as well. I invited Katie to go with me because she one of my "yes" friends. I'll explain "yes" friends in a future post.
The woman who presented to our group was wonderful. She had lots of energy and she was very authentic. It seemed she became more authentic as she continued to speak, because honestly at first she struck me as somewhat awkward, as thought she was trying too hard. I'm going to explain the steps of the activity that she lead us through and I encourage you to give this a try:
What's working in your life? Make a list of things that seem to be working well in your life (ex. finances, work, relationships, health)
What's not working in your life? Again, make a list, duh. (ex. planning for work, relationships family/male)
Area you are working on.Choose the item that is most important to you from your list on step 2.
Probable almost certain future. This one is tricky. It has three parts. First, write what you already doing in regard to your response on step 3. Second, write what you already have in regard to step 3. Finally, write what your are being in regard to step 3.
What is missing? Write what you think it would take you to get to the next level in the area you're working on. For me, it was lesson planning for work. I decided I was missing passion. I am not passionate about writing lessons or planning ANYTHING for that matter. Therefore, many times my teaching is missing passion. Mainly because I'm conforming to a way of teaching that does not suit my personal style or way of thinking.
Invent a new possibility. I love this one! This is the freedom part. This is the creative part! Instead of conforming to the standard, I am going to have a classroom where I present information that I am passionate about. I know that will give the students a more authentic learning experience in my classroom because I will no longer be straining to do it another person's way.
I went into more depth in my own responses, but I didn't want to overwhelm you with ALL the scattered thoughts in my head. Try it out and let me know what you think.
I personally think it is a sin to let your creative abilities go by the wayside. Why should we abandon the ability to invent our own future (and even our own present!)?